
[days : hrs : mins : secs]

[MINT(free)] [MINT(0.04E)]



In the vast expanse of the digital universe, a unique phenomenon occurs – the Evolution of Species. This evolution is not just a testament to the wonders of life but a representation of progress and adaptability. PROGRESS NFTs take you on a journey from the depths of ancient oceans, tracing the path of evolution, one species at a time. As creatures evolve, those brave enough to witness and partake in this event have the chance to hold a piece of this ever-changing history in their digital wallet.

Pure Blockchain Experimentation

We don’t have a Discord server or a lengthy roadmap because we believe in the raw, unadulterated potential of blockchain. This isn't a traditional NFT project with hype cycles and promotions. Instead, it's an open-ended, decentralized experiment that thrives on user participation and evolution in real-time. We're exploring the boundaries of the NFT space and community engagement without the usual trappings. Dive in, participate, and help shape the narrative of PROGRESS!

How It Works

[1] The Clock: The game operates on a ticking clock. With each passing day, a new species evolves, marking progress. The journey begins with the fish, moving to amphibians, mammals, and beyond, encompassing 13 significant evolutionary leaps.

[2] Minting: Users can mint a new NFT representing the current species. The species you get depends on when you mint. For instance:

0 to 1 day: Fish

1 to 2 days: ???

And so on, until the 13th day.

[3] The Reset: Every time a user mints an NFT, the evolution timer resets. The cycle starts again from the fish, ensuring continuous progress. If no one mints an NFT for 13 days, the game concludes, and no further minting is possible.

[4] Hidden Evolutions: The mystery of evolution remains. Species remain hidden until they're minted. It’s a surprise every step of the way!

[5] Special Airdrops: Users have the option to pay 0.04E or more when minting to become eligible for special airdrops. These can happen during the game or at its conclusion.

Artwork Rights

All artwork associated with PROGRESS NFTs is under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license. This means the artwork is freely available for use without any copyright concerns. However, the concept, execution, and integration within the PROGRESS ecosystem remain unique to the project.

The NFT's Appearance

Your NFT is not just a static image; it's a timestamp of evolution. The NFT showcases the current species and the exact time it was minted, representing that precise moment in the evolutionary timeline. It's a blend of art and time, making each NFT unique in its own right.

The Race to Mint

In the world of PROGRESS, timing is everything. It's possible that while you're in the process of minting an NFT, someone else might beat you to it. If that happens, the species you intended to mint could evolve, leading you to get the next one in line. It's a race against time and against fellow participants, adding a layer of excitement and unpredictability to the experience.

Why now?

The cyclical nature of any market, including NFTs, mirrors the evolutionary cycles of our project. Just as species evolve over time in the face of adversity, so does the world of technology and digital art. In creating PROGRESS, we're not only commenting on the history of life but also on the ebbs and flows of the digital market itself.
In these times, it's essential to innovate, adapt, and offer experiences that go beyond the conventional. PROGRESS does just that, providing a unique blend of art, time, and community-driven dynamism.
So, why now? Because now is the time for evolution, resilience, and forging ahead, regardless of market trends. Now is the time for PROGRESS.

Contract address

Contract address can be found here

Terms & Condition

Terms & Condition can be found here